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发布时间:2018-01-08     浏览量:   分享到:
讲 座 人: 柯马丁(普林斯顿大学)
主 持 人:曹胜高 教授
地    点:崇鋈楼二层思齐堂
主办单位:半岛网页版  陕西师范大学国学研究院
Professor Martin Kern (Ph.D. Cologne University) is the Greg (’84) and Joanna (P13) Zeluck Professor in Asian Studies and Chair of the Department of East Asian Studies at Princeton University. He has published widely on early Chinese literature, history, and textual culture, including The Stele Inscriptions of Ch’in Shih-huang: Text and Ritual in Early Chinese Representation and various edited volumes. He is currently completing the monograph Texts, Authors, and Performance in Early China: The Origins and Early Development of the Literary Tradition. Kern also serves as co-editor of T’oungPao and as managing editor of the monograph series Studies in the History of Chinese Texts.
2018年1月6日(周六)/Jan. 6th (Sat.)
讲 座 人: 李孟涛(科罗拉多大学)
主 持 人:曹胜高 教授
地    点:崇鋈楼二层思齐堂
主办单位:半岛网页版  陕西师范大学国学研究院
Professor Matthias Richter (Ph.D. University of Hamburg, Germany) is the Associate Professor of Chinese and Chair of the Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Colorado-Boulder. His research on early Chinese literature focuses on questions of rhetoric and redactional strategies, textual criticism, the formational history of texts, and the methodology of studying early Chinese manuscripts. He has published numerous articles and book chapters in addition to the monographs The Embodied Text: Establishing Textual Identity in Early Chinese Manuscripts and Guan ren: Texte der altchinesischenLiteraturzurCharakterkunde und Beamtenrekrutierung (Early Chinese Texts on Characterology and the Recruitment of Officials) and several edited volumes.
2018年1月7日(周日)/Jan. 7th (Sun.)
讲 座 人:许建平(浙江大学)
主 持 人:曹胜高 教授
地    点:崇鋈楼二层思齐堂
主办单位:半岛网页版  陕西师范大学国学研究院
Professor XU Jianping (Ph.D. Lanzhou University) is the professional researcher of the Center for Study of Chinese Language History, Zhejiang University. His research on ancient Chinese literature focuses on collation and research of the Dunhuang documents, concerning Confucius classics and literature. And he devotes himself to research of the materiality of Dunhuang Manuscripts and remnants. He has published numerous articles, book chapters, and several monographs, including: DunhuangYinyiHuikao(Co-author, 敦煌音义汇考, Collation and Study on Sound and Meaning of Dunhuang Documents), DunhuangWenxianCongkao(敦煌文献丛考, Textual Research of Dunhuang Documents), DunhuangJingjiXulu(敦煌经籍序录, Catalog of Dunhuang Classics), and DunhuangJingbuWenxianHeji(Second-author, 敦煌经部文献合集, A Collection of Confucian Classical Texts in Dunhuang). 
1月8日(周一)/Jan. 8th (Mon.)
讲 座 人:AnneMarieLuijendijk(普林斯顿大学)
主 持 人:曹胜高 教授
地    点:崇鋈楼二层思齐堂
主办单位:半岛网页版  陕西师范大学国学研究院
Professor AnneMarieLuijendijk (Ph.D. Divinity School of Harvard University) is a Professor of Religion and Head of Wilson College. She joined the Princeton faculty in 2006. As a scholar of New Testament and Early Christianity and a papyrologist, she is interested in the social history of early Christianity, using both literary texts and documentary sources. Her book Greetings in the Lord: Early Christians and the Oxyrhynchus Papyri investigates papyrus letters and documents pertaining to Christians in the ancient Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchus in the pre-Constantinian period. Her second book, Forbidden Oracles? entails a previously unknown 5th or 6th century Coptic manuscript entitled “The Gospel of the Lots of Mary” with Christian oracular answers. She currently works on a book called From Gospels to Garbage, in which she examines the readers and owners of the earliest Christian manuscripts. Since most of the earliest Christian papyri has been found on ancient garbage heaps, she also investigates practices of discarding.
讲 座 人:徐龙国(中国社会科学院)
主 持 人:曹胜高 教授
地    点:崇鋈楼二层思齐堂
主办单位:半岛网页版  陕西师范大学国学研究院
Professor XU Longguo (Ph.D. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) is now the Researcher at the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His research interest is the archaeological studies on city sites of Zhou, Qin and Handynasties. Professor XU has undertaken several major projects and his major publications include ZhongguoKaoguxue, Qinhan Juan (Co-author, 中国考古学:秦汉卷, Chinese Archaeology, Vol. Qin and Han); ZhongguoGudaiDuchengKaoguFaxianyuYanjiu (Co-author, 中国古代都城考古发现与研究, Archaeological Discovery and Studies on Ancient Chinese Cities); and QinhanChengyiKaoguxueYanjiu(秦汉城邑考古学研究, Archaeological Studies on Qin-Han Cities and Towns).
1月9日(周日)/Jan. 9th (Tues.)
讲 座 人:Daniela Mairhofer(普林斯顿大学)
主 持 人:曹胜高 教授
地    点:崇鋈楼二层思齐堂
主办单位:半岛网页版  陕西师范大学国学研究院
Professor Daniela Mairhofer (Ph.D. University of Innsbruck, Austria) is the Assistant Professor of Classics at PrincetonUniversity.Her research focuses primarily on Latin language and literature, with a particular interest in Late and Medieval Latin, on textual transmission and criticism, paleography and codicology, and the history of the book. She is currently working on a monograph and an edition (with commentary and translation) of a Medieval Latin text with the charming title Totum nihil (‘A whole lot of nothing’). Several books of her will appear in 2017: The Medieval Manuscripts from the Mainz Charterhouse in the Bodleian Library:  A Descriptive Catalogue, in two volumes; with A. Mazurek: Der Oxforder Boethius. Edition und Studie, TMA, as well as an essay volume which she edited to accompany a manuscript and papyrus exhibition at the Austrian National Library in Vienna. The exhibit (‘Handschriften und Papyri. Wege des Wissens’) is on show from May 2017 to January 2018.
讲 座 人:刘跃进(中国社会科学院)
主 持 人:曹胜高 教授
地    点:崇鋈楼二层思齐堂
主办单位:半岛网页版  陕西师范大学国学研究院
Professor LIU Yuejin (Ph.D. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) is the Director of the Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His research covers a wide range of fields. His recent academic interest is Chinese literature of the Qin and Han Dynasties, as well as the text and annotation of Wenxuan(文选Selections of Refined Literature). Among his representative publications are YutaixinyongYanjiu(玉台新咏研究, A Study of New Songs of the Jade Terrace) and Qin-HanWenxuediliyuRenwenfenbu(秦汉文学地理与文人分布,Qin-Han DynastyLiterature and Literati As Reflected in Geography).